(ISSN 0137-530 X, e-ISSN 2450-792X, INDEX COPERNICUS ICV 2020: 56,88)
Profile of periodical
“Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Żup Solnych w Polsce” (“Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland”) – academic periodical
The academic periodical entitled “Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland”, in publication since 1965, is the only Polish and one of few international periodicals devoted exclusively to salt working, its history and culture. Since the very beginning, “Studies and Materials…” has been used for the presentation of academic accomplishments of the Museum employees. Outstanding external experts in various areas of salt-related studies are also heartily invited to publish their work in the periodical. To date, thirty three volumes of the periodical have been published, including synthetic and source studies related to the broadly-understood history of salt-working in the Polish lands, along with doctoral and habilitation dissertations in the area of geology, archaeology and history of salt-working. The periodical also presents the results of studies pursued by the Museum’s employees and authors affiliated with other scientific and research institutions. Comprehensive use of source materials allowed the team of authors for in-depth presentation of all the significant aspects of salt-brewing and salt mining in Wieliczka and Bochnia. The published articles have supra-regional and multi-directional character, which has been accomplished thanks to the long-term cooperation with institutions of a similar profile, both in the country and abroad.
“Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland” is indexed at: ICI Journals Master List 2017, Index Copernicus, POL-index, PBN, CEJSH.