Editorial requirements - Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland

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(ISSN 0137-530 X, e-ISSN 2450-792X, INDEX COPERNICUS ICV 2022: 51,19)

Editorial requirements:

We would like to present general and detailed principles of text formatting which are used in our publishing house. You are kindly requested to become acquainted with them. Following the guidelines will significantly streamline the publication process of papers that you intend to submit to us. Please submit your texts in the form of printouts (text, illustrations and abstract) and digital records on a carrier saved in separate files, i.e.: text, abstract, illustrations, captions for illustrations, tables, captions for tables.
Thank you for accepting our editorial guidelines.
- text file is to be delivered in *.doc or *.docx format;
- volume of paper: approx. 0.5 up to 2 publisher’s sheets (from 20,000 to 80,000 characters);
- in case of external authors, data about the author: first name and surname, academic title, place of work;
- the articles are to be provided with an abstract in Polish or in English language with a length up to 3 pages, i.e. 10,000 characters;
- text:  font Times New Roman  12 pts.;
- spacing: 1.5;
- margins: 2.5 cm;
- paragraphs with one indent equal to 1 tab;
- italics are used for titles of printed texts and names of mining pits (e.g. Antonia shaft, Russegger chamber);
- inverted commas in the following form: “…” Invested commas are used for titles of magazines and to mark quotations;
- dates: in the main text, the months are written in words;  
- years in the same century are written in a full version, e.g. 1772-1779;
- decades are marked with the use of numerals and an apostrophe before an incomplete numeral and no apostrophe between the number and s, e.g. ‘70s, ‘80s of the 20th century;
- in the main text, when quoting the author or referring to the researcher’s name, full first name before the surname is provided only in the first use; later, only the first name initials are used;
- avoid adding emphasis, do not use bold font and underlining;
- avoid bullets, use en-dashes/ em-dashes and a space;
- footnotes are placed after a coma or a full stop;
- the paper is to be accompanied by 5 – 10 keywords in English that refer to the issues discussed in the article;
- illustrations intended for publication are to be delivered as separate files in *.tif or *.jpg format with resolution not smaller than 300 dpi;
- mark the place in the text where the illustration should be placed and attach a list of illustrations with their sources and names of photographers;
- tables, diagrams, charts, drawings and photos are to be provided with captions and numbers;
- do not include graphic files from the Internet;
- every article should be provided with a bibliography.
Format of bibliographic items:
In the main text and in footnotes:
- use Latin forms (e.g., cf., ibidem);
- divide subsequent descriptions with a semi-colon;
- titles of papers, articles and series are written in italics;
-  in case of Eastern Slavic items (e.g. Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian), no transliteration or transcription is allowed: the original name in the Cyrillic script is to be provided, along with designation of volumes, numbers and pages proper for a foreign language. This principle is applied to any items in foreign languages.
I Unpublished sources:
1.       Archival materials:
Full name of the archival collection when used for the first time + brackets + further + colon + abbreviated name of archival collection + brackets + name of archival collection in italics + coma + title of document in italics + coma + designation of sheet or page + full stop.
E.g. Archives of the Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka (further: Arch. CSMW), Akta salinarne Wieliczki i Bochni z lat 1772-1918, signed manuscript 2073, p. 33.
2.       In case several references are made to the same article or an archival collection, the abbreviation introduced with the first use is applied.
3.       Full name of the archive and full title of the document is provided only in the first quotation or in case of single quoting.
II Published sources:
1.       Non-serial authored publications:
Author’s first name initial with a full stop + space + surname + coma + title in italics + coma + space + place of publication + coma + year of publication with a coma + space + page + space + page number with a full stop.
J. Rajchel, Kamienny Kraków, Kraków, 2005, p. 18.
2.       Collective work:
Title in italics + coma + space bar + designation of form of editing (ed.) and further as in the case of non-serial authored publications.
3.       Article in a collective work:
First name initial (or first names with a space) of the author with a full stop + space + surname + coma + space + title in inverted comas with a full stop if there is a sub-title + sub-title space + reference to the collective work [in:] + title in italics and further as in the case of non-serial authored publications.
S. Gawęda, “Wieliczka pod rządami austriackimi” [in:] Wieliczka. Dzieje miasta, eds. S. Gawęda, A. Jodłowski, J. Piotrowicz, Kraków, 1990, p. 212.
4.       Article in a periodical:
First name initial (or first names with a space) of the author with a full stop + space + surname + coma + space + title in inverted comas with a full stop if there is a sub-title + sub-title space + coma + title of periodical or journal in italics + space + designation of volume with a coma + designation of place and year of publication with a coma + space + page number with a full stop.
I. Markowski, “Wielicka orkiestra salinarna w latach 1830-1990, Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Żup Solnych w Polsce, vol. XXI, Wieliczka, 2001, p. 179-202.
5.       Internet reference e.g. author:  title,  http://www. etc. …, access: 29.01.2015.
Remarks concerning footnotes:
- paragraphs with one indent;
If the author is represented by one paper in the text, the reference is as follows: + title in italics + coma + place of publication and year + page number. When the same author and the same work is quoted again, abbreviated reference of the title is used with an ellipsis + coma + page number with a full stop.
A.   Keckowa, Żupy krakowskie w XVI-XVIII wieku (do 1772 r.), Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków 1969, p. 65.
A.      Keckowa, Żupy krakowskie…, p. 62.
-  if another work of the author quoted in the footnote is referenced, a designation after the semi-colon is used in reference to the author: idem or eadem with a coma + title of the publication in italics + coma + space + place and year of publication + space + page number.
J. Piotrowicz, “Okresy rozwojowe i przemiany gospodarki solnej w Polsce od połowy XIII do początków XVIII wieku”, Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Żup Solnych w Polsce, vol. IX, Wieliczka 1980, p. 33-75; idem, “Problematyka genezy i najstarszych dziejów górnictwa solnego w Polsce”, ibidem, vol. II, 1968, p. 173-232.
- Ibidem (ibid.) is used if two or more referenced articles are contained in the same publication (as above).  
- if several references are made to the same periodical or monographic study, introduce an abbreviation in brackets in the first citing that is going to be consistently used in following references, e.g.:
J. Piotrowicz, “Okresy rozwojowe i przemiany gospodarki solnej w Polsce od połowy XIII do początków XVIII wieku”, Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Żup Solnych w Polsce (hereinafter: “SMDŻ”), vol. IX, Wieliczka 1980, p. 33-75.
vol. – volume
yrbk. –yearbook
No. – number
iss. – issue
vol. – volume
p. – page
ed. / eds. – editor/ editors
[in:] – contained in
cf. –  Latin confer - compare
The editorial office of the “Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland” informs that the authors submitting texts for publication are also requested to file a declaration on observing the principles of academic reliability during text preparation – the principles concerning the issue of ghostwriting are presented at the website of Polish Scholarly Bibliography: https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl.
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