Ghostwriting and guest authorship - Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland

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(ISSN 0137-530 X, e-ISSN 2450-792X, INDEX COPERNICUS ICV 2022: 51,19)


Taking care of the high substantive level of the periodical and following the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the editors of the “Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Żup Solnych w Polsce” (“Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland”) apply procedures preventing such phenomena as ghostwriting and guest authorship.
“Ghostwriting” consists in failure to indicate the name of the person who contributed to the study, was the actual author or co-author of the paper. “Ghostwriting” also refers to the failure to disclose the role of a person contributing to the paper by including acknowledgements in the publication.
“Guest authorship” (“honorary authorship”) consists in indication of a specific person’s surname as the author or joint author of an article in spite of the fact that such person’s contribution to the publication was minimal or did not take place at all.
To avoid irregularities and academic dishonesty, the editors of the “Studies and Materials for the History of Saltworks in Poland” kindly ask all the authors to disclose the actual contribution to the preparation of the publication. Simultaneously, we wish to inform you that the author submitting the manuscript bears primary liability in this respect.
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